
A Million Miles Away

EPFC | August 8th, 2016

Guest curator: Joel Wanek

Jennifer Reeder’s A MILLION MILES AWAY (2014)

Jennifer Reeder’s little masterpiece about a substitute teacher’s classroom crisis is swirling with so many complex emotions. The film manages to be dark, funny, sad, honest, and ultimately hopeful all at the same time. Just like teenagers 😉


Dreams Without Borders

EPFC | August 2nd, 2016

guest curator: Joel Wanek

Happy August, EPFC Universe! And, welcome to the first installment of my little five-part series entitled YOU CAN’T BLAME THE YOUTH which features short films made by and/or about young people.

The title of the series comes from a Peter Tosh/Bob Marley tune which reminds us that young people are not to blame for the state of the world. They inherit the lessons and behaviors we give to them.

Much of my adult life has been spent working with young people of all ages. Over the years I’ve realized that being around children and young adults keeps me positive and hopeful about the future. Without them it’s all doom and gloom, in my universe.

So, to start us off on our journey this month, I’m featuring a film by a 16-year old Syrian filmmaker named Muna, one member of the innovative ANOTHER KIND OF GIRL COLLECTIVE. The group was formed in Jordan in 2015 by the documentary filmmaker Laura Doggett.

All the young filmmakers in the collective are refugees living in flux in Jordan, many in refugee camps. Despite the dire and bleak conditions they are living, the films are filled with so much beauty, wonder, and hope. They take their bare surroundings and imagine such colorful, rich, and boundless times ahead.

DREAMS WITHOUT BORDERS by Muna / Another Kind of Girl Collective