
This Week at EPFC North: Art Club!

EPFC | April 14th, 2020

Workshop: Art Club 
Tuesday, April 14
11 am – 1 pm
Our first Zoom installment of our international collaboration with Art Club Frome in Somerset, UK! Zoom in for relaxed art-making on a secret theme to be announced at the start of the session. The only rule is MAKE. Free event! Everyone welcome! More info here! 

Missed it? Join us the second Tuesday of each month!


The Week at EPFC North: Moberly Moments

EPFC | March 31st, 2020

This week’s Moment is from Flipping Out: A Flip Book Workshop (March 2, 2019), taught by visiting artist and EPFC Co-op Member Gina Napolitan!


Couple Spots Left for Sunday’s Super 8 Workshop!

EPFC | November 11th, 2019

Join Dicky Bahto at EPFC this Sunday, November 17, as he welcomes you into the wonderful world of Super 8 cinematography and hand processing! Details and sign up here.

This Week At EPFC North

EPFC | May 14th, 2019

Two great events hosted by EPFC North May Artist In Residence Cheryl Hamilton of ie:creative!

Thursday, May 16 @ 7:30 pm: Public Art Dialogues I – The first installment of an ongoing series of films and discussions about public art. Free event! Everyone welcome!

Saturday, May 18 @ 1 pm:  Round & Round: A Zoetrope Workshop – Make your own zoetrope at this fun, family-friendly workshop. Free event! Everyone welcome!

EPFC North at Moberly Fieldhouse is located at 7646 Prince Albert Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

EPFC’s LA AIRport at Itsy Bitsy Shorts

EPFC | May 3rd, 2019

Check out the newest member of the EPFC mobile fleet when the LA AIRport hosts a direct animation workshop for the wee ones as part of the Itsy Bitsy Shorts program at the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival on Saturday May 4 at 10 am.

Wonder, discover, and be captivated at this eye popping and ear perking hodge-podge of sights and sounds for all ages. Selected by the family team of Glenda Gamboa, Children’s Librarian and mom, Kamayo Quizon, Pre-Teen Movie Aficionado and son, and Joel Quizon, the dad. — Joel Quizon

Screening is followed by a performance from artist Joyce Kwon on the gayageum and a children’s activity by Echo Park Film Center at the JANM courtyard.

More into here!

Special thanks to the Hollywood Foreign Press Association for their generous support of the LA AIRport and LA AIRport programming!