EPFC North is delighted to host visiting artists Ursula Brookbank and Diane Ward for a magical evening of projections and spoken word on Saturday, March 16.
Past and recent work related to the notion of leaving or a presentation of various projections and recitations followed by cake. Program will include Home-Life, 16mm to digital, (still), 09:32 min, 2018-19, accompanied by an in person poetic reading by Ursula Brookbank and Diane Ward.
Free event! Everyone welcome!
Ursula Brookbank is a multi-media artist currently based in Seattle, WA, she received a BFA in Painting from the University of Florida in 1975. With simple analog methods and materials; super 8 film, overhead projection, objects, video and performance she generates experiences. Brookbank’s work engages the feminine odds and ends of her “She World Archive” in an ongoing participatory and collaborative dialogue. Collected and cataloged over many years the archive is a mystery of feminine objects that can suggest a whole life (almost bodily) of a woman. Objects worn from daily use; eye glasses, sewing notions, recipes, kitchen gadgets, letters, newspaper clippings, etcetera are very vital things. She World’s multiple and diverse manifestations have invited audiences to engage with the archive as readers, observers, and investigators incorporating their own knowledge, experience, and content. Brookbank has shown in Los Angeles at Automata, the Echo Park Film Center, The Museum of Jurassic Technology, REDCAT, and at the Westbeth Gallery, New York, NY. Her presentations using overhead projectors titled “Dear Object” have been presented in a public encounter with the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Los Angeles; as projections from the street onto the outside of David Ireland’s 500 Capp Street House in San Francisco and in the entirety of the theater space of the Veleslavasay Panorama, Los Angeles. (IS) IN STEREO, an empathic, synchronistic collaboration with multi-media artist Christine Alicino continues to unfold in numerous occurrences on the east and west coasts.
Diane Ward was born in Washington, DC where she attended the Corcoran College of Art and Design. She received a doctorate degree in Geography from UCLA. Her poetry publications include a collaboration with Tina Darragh and Jane Sprague in the Belladonna Elders series, No List (no list) from Seeing Eye Books in Los Angeles, Flim-Yoked Scrim from Factory School, and When You Awake from Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs. Her poem, “Fade on Family” was set to music by the Los Angeles composer Michael Webster and performed as part of The Society for the Activation of Social Space through Art and Sound series at the Schindler House in West Hollywood. “InHouse,” a constructed poem, appeared in Kindergarde, the First Avant Garde Anthology for Children, edited by Lee Ann Brown. She curated an edition of the Poetic Research Bureau’s “live magazine,” @SEA, around the theme “Flows.” She has been a member of “The Reader’s Chorus,” performing in Los Angeles at MOCA, the Museum of Jurassic Technology, and the Velaslavasay Panorama. Her collaboration with the artist Ursula Brookbank is documented in the chapter, “Borne-away: Tracing a gendered dispossession by accumulation” in the edited book, Geopoetics in Practice, forthcoming from Routledge.