
Women Alchemists: Monica Baptista

EPFC | June 6th, 2017

guest curator: Elena Pardo

Women Alchemists

There are artists still working with film around the world.
People who insist in doing so, as myself, consider that film has qualities and specific characteristics that are suitable for the experimentation we seek in our work.

The film lab is where great part of the alchemy happens and it has become the place where filmmakers and lovers of the photochemical cinema come together to collaborate, exchange knowledge and generate solutions that allow to continue working with this material.

In this program we will share the work of women who are part of artist run labs and whose films explore the possibilities of lab techniques, film material and film machines.

Monica Baptista (Portugal)

2011, DOC·EXP, 35mm, Colour/B&W, 22’30”

This film was made with series of images, over 4000, all them integrate a photographic recording that I have been carrying out for the past three years. Without any initial purpose that would circumscribe all these images, this photo diary drifts and accompanies many different circumstances, trips, places and people.

The editing of the film shown here does not resort to any major tricks: no image cutting was carried out – the photos are all here, in chronological sequence – frame speed was manipulated in a 35mm editing table where the mechanic and physical gesture can create a suspension of frame in time, interspersed with other moments in which the progression of the film takes on a syncopate rhythm.
Director.Photography.Editing: Mónica Baptista
Sound: Bruno Moreira

Mónica Baptista coollaborates with Átomo 47 lab in Oporto