
Marvelous Movie Mondays: The Woman Buried Beneath The Candle and Inearth

EPFC | April 27th, 2020

guest curator: Kerry St. Laurent

Theme: Tonal Contrast
We’re looking at films that explore contrast in the several ways we can interpret the word “tone” – sound, color, and mood – both in each individual piece and how they contrast with each other.

Today’s set looks at work that uses vibrant color manipulation coming from contrasting media (film and repurposed magnetic video), beginning with “The Woman Buried Beneath the Candle” (2020), visuals by Daniel James Cashman and audio score by Burial Grid. Second up is “Inearth” (2005) by CJ Brabant. The work seamlessly travels between hopeful and ominous, both somehow feeling “charged” but in contrasting ways.