
Marvelous Movie Mondays: End Reel

EPFC | January 27th, 2020

guest curator: Emily Chao

Bodies are put into motion and melt into textures in the final film of the RITUALS AND RUMINATIONS series with the appropriately titled End Reel by Julie Murray. In between the start/stops of Murray’s hand cranked rewinds we watch as the digital and analog moving image technologies compromise the narrative of an anonymous Hong Kong action movie. The decayed 35mm print is given a second life in this observant piece by Murray.

Marvelous Movie Mondays: Between a Gaze and a Gesture

EPFC | January 20th, 2020

guest curator: Emily Chao

“How do we formulate words to speak of this history?” This week’s pick is an excerpt from Hannah Dawn Henderson’s twin slide projector installation, Between a Gaze and a Gesture. While the video featured here is only a short excerpt, the installation itself runs as an eight minute loop, affording no end to the dialogue that ensues between the viewer and the archive of material from the mid-20th century Commonwealth migrations in the UK.

“As I studied documents in the archive and brought them into consideration with the oral narratives that have transcended the generations within my own family, it increasingly seems that this era marked a particular shift: in light of the then-recent move towards the constitutional independence of formerly colonised lands, Commonwealth migrants and their descendants — entities who are culturally diasporic yet British in nationality — became the new territory upon which the power-play of colonialism would be exerted, and this would manifest first by the negation of their claim to a British identity. It is this ostracisation and, in turn, the desire to reject it that seems to have served as a catalyst for the cultivation of cultural plurality — yet the question of what British identity actually is and to what extent it addresses the diasporic legacies that the British Empire and its collapse orchestrated remains a precarious and fragile question.” – Hannah Dawn Henderson

Marvelous Movie Mondays: Rituals and Ruminations

EPFC | January 15th, 2020

guest curator: Emily Chao

This week’s pick for the theme RITUALS AND RUMINATIONS is Lee Anne Schmitt’s haunting piece, womannightfilm. Schmitt uses the technique of rephotography to process trauma as a recurring experience.

“Shot on 16mm over a number of years, the film rephotographs and rephotographs, until the image itself is a ghost.”

Marvelous Movie Mondays: Landscape Series #1

EPFC | January 9th, 2020

guest curator: Emily Chao

The theme of this month is RITUALS AND RUMINATIONS—filmmaking as a compulsive act, a habit, a ritual. The films in this series fixate, almost obsessively, on found images often with mystifying results. Past lives are recalled, histories are left half buried, unresolved.

We begin this month’s series with Landscape Series #1, a film by Nguyen Trinh Thi. Comprised of seventy 35mm slides from Vietnamese newspaper reports. Each photo seems to suggest landscape as subject or in Nguyen’s words, “as the silent witness of history.”

Marvelous Movie Mondays: Bruce Takes Dragon Town

EPFC | January 2nd, 2020

Welcome to 2020!! Happy New Year!! As always, new month means it’s time to welcome a new guest curator for MARVELOUS MOVIE MONDAYS, our weekly online-only screening series where a different artist comes in each month to share movies on the EPFC Facebook page each Monday. Today, we welcome to the curatorial helm…


Emily Chao is a filmmaker and independent curator based in the Bay Area. Her films have been exhibited at the Viennale, REDCAT, Crossroads, and BAMPFA. She is a co-programmer of Light Field, an international exhibition of moving image art on celluloid, held at The Lab in San Francisco and a member of Black Hole Collective Film Lab in Oakland, CA. She earned an MFA in Film/Video from the California Institute of the Arts.

Check out her 2015 film Bruce Takes Dragon Town: