
Changes in the Ocean, Changes in the Sea at Mimesis Documentary Festival

EPFC | July 22nd, 2021

“Changes in the Ocean, Changes in the Sea”–a film by EPFC Co-op Member Emett Casey–is showing at Mimesis Doc Fest online and in person. Check it out August 8th and again August 10th!


Analog Cookbook Issue #2 Call For Submissions

EPFC | September 4th, 2019

Submit your thoughts on film, film recipes, and films on film!

And while you’re at it, check out Issue #1 featuring an article about EPFC Co-op Member Emett Casey and his film Worlds Below, created as part of A Day In The Sun: New Work by the Echo Park Film Center Co-op with support from the Mike Kelley Foundation!

EPFC Extravaganza / Acid-Free at Blum & Poe

EPFC | April 30th, 2018
Sunday, May 6 from 3-7 pm
Echo Park Film Center Extravaganza @ Acid-Free Los Angeles
Join us for a special screening looking at works from Echo Park Film Center’s LA AIR residency program, annual Super 8 commissioning program, and from members of the EPFC Co-op, including: Nesanet Abegaze, ACT-LA, Jonathan Almaraz, Basma Alsharif, Dicky Bahto, Leah Bordenga, Marco Kane Braunschweiler, Ursula Brookbank, Madison Brookshire, Kate Brown, Emett Casey, Brenda Contreras, Michael Cruickshank, Caitlin Díaz, Marcella Ernest, Calvin Frederick, The Here & Now (Paolo Davanzo & Lisa Marr), Lydia Hwang, Gelare Khoshgozaran, Andrew Kim, Eve LaFountain, Kate Lain, Alima Lee, Janis Crystal Lipzin, Alex MacKenzie, Maria Magnusson, Gregory Mahoney, Andrés Mansisdor, Daniel Marlos, Dolissa Medina, Alan Nakagawa, Tomonari Nishikawa, Will O’Loughlen, John Palmer, Alee Peoples & Mike Stoltz, Anna Luisa Petrisko (Jeepneys), Miko Revereza, Wyatt Sanders, Jennifer Saparzadeh, Margie Schnibbe, Cosmo Segurson, Rosario Sotelo, Travis Starks, Patrick Stephenson, Cindy Stillwell, Jessica Storm, Haruko Tanaka, Nancy Jean Tucker, Nicole Ucedo, Penelope Uribe-Abee, Pablo Valencia, and Max Winter.
Acid-Free Los Angeles

Art Book Market

at Blum & Poe
2727 La Cienaga Blvd.