
Marvelous Movie Mondays: Stairway to Stardom

EPFC | March 31st, 2020

guest curator: Cristina Kolozsváry-Kiss

Theme: Where’s Wayne’s World? A brief dive into the disappearing world of democratic and non-commercial television made possible by public access.

Finally, my favorite video on the internet. Stairway to Stardom was a public access show which aired in New York from 1979 to the early 90s. Credited as a precursor to Star Search and American Idol, it served the local neighborhoods and gave anyone and everyone a platform to showcase their talent. I implore you to leave your irony at the door and consider the remarkable talent required to be brave enough to go on TV to broadcast your private passions, and playful enough to smile when you don’t get it quite right. There are superstars amongst us, and they show it in the smallest acts of kindness, the plain-sight artistry of everyday life and the humility required to be a part of a community. Let’s all try to inject a little Michael Daniel Baez into this crazy period we’re living through and love a song so much we have to sing aloud, to take pleasure in our voices and sing together in harmony (even if it’s a little off-key). Stay safe, everyone. <3