Watch Your Step! ¡Al Pasito!
Program Times: August 28th – 5 pm to 7 pm, August 29th and 30th – 6 pm to 8 pm, and August 31st – 5 pm to 7pm.
Watch Your Step! ¡Al Pasito! is a film program located in Panorama City that will showcase several films shot by Angelenos about walking and moving through Los Angeles. The screening will also include the premiere of a new film made by the EPFC Co-op that shares information about incoming changes to the valley including Metro construction and how to stay safe as a pedestrian throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Join us at Plaza del Valle August 28th, to see the films projected on the EPFC Filmcicle or August 28th-August 31st to see these films on the big outdoor screens by the food court
Free event! Everyone welcome! Physical distancing health and safety protocols in effect. Please wear a mask and stay 6 feet apart during the outdoor screenings so we all stay safe and healthy!
This program is funded by a generous grant from SCAG, GoHuman, and the California Office of Traffic Safety.
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