
Until They’re Gone – POSTPONED

Saturday, April 4 at 8 pm

Doors 7:30 pm; $5 admission.
Until They’re Gone is about Bill and Jill Morse, a retired California couple so moved by the story of 2010 CNN Hero Aki Ra, a former child soldier forced to plant landmines a child who now digs them up as an adult, that they went all-in. They cashed out their retirement, began raising money, through their US-based non-profit Landmine Relief Fund. The fund keeps Aki Ra and his Cambodian Self Help Demining team in the field. In 2009, they permanently relocated to Cambodia and intend to work on the problem Until They’re Gone.
Filmed on location in minefields in Cambodia, Washginton, DC, and Los Angeles, the film features the Morses, Aki Ra, the deminers, emergency room physician Dr. Larry Stock, preeminent Cambodia historian/author Dr. David P. Chandler, and Tim Rieser, senior foreign policy aide to Senator Patrick Leahy. It also features Nobel Prize winner Steve Goose of Human Rights Watch and International Campaign to Ban Landmines.
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