Photobooth of Change at LAMAG
Join us for a Family and Adult Art Workshop!
Saturday, June 11
1:00pm – 4:00pm
With Guest Artist Paolo Davanzo
A COLA 2016 Fellowship Recipient
“Photobooth of Change”
The Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery Education Program is excited to host a workshop in collaboration with the Echo Park Film Center and their “Filmcicle” Program, featuring the “Photobooth of Change.”
Participants will create signs that express their thoughts on how they can make the community and the world a better place. Signs will then be photographed and turned into a collaborative video. Filmmakers Paolo Davanzo, Lisa Marr and Max Winter will use animation software to create a video photobooth – the result is an enormous animated activist chain letter!
All ages are welcome, all material provided.
For information about the workshop, please contact:
Marta Feinstein or
Brought to you by the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery Education Program and the Echo Park Film Center.
While you are at LAMAG, make sure to visit the 2016 COLA exhibition featuring Fellowship recipients:
Paulo Davanzo, Marsian De Lellis, Keiko Fukazawa, Megan Geckler, Won Ju Lim, Sarah Maclay, Blue McRight, Sandeep Mukherjee, Christine Nguyen, Claudia Rodriguez, Jim Skuldt and Lynne Thompson.
Photo by: Echo Park Film Center, Paolo Davanzo