NEW WORKS SALON XXXIII: Andersen, Napolitan, Nguyen, Peoples, Uribe-Abee
The New Works Salons series is a casual forum for the presentation and discussion of new works in film, video, sound, and performance, with local and visiting artists in-person to introduce their work. This program features the premiere of Thom Andersen’s newest video, A Train Arrives at the Station. Christina Nguyen will screen her 16mm film Parallel Inquiries: images vibrate, colors pulse, and light touches the emulsion, waiting to be heard. Alee Peoples will show her 16mm film If You Can’t See My Mirrors, I Can’t See You: an exercise on the frame. An equal exchange between friends. Gina Naplitan will show her 35mm slide/16mm film double projector piece A Stranger in the Earth, which chronicles a deep sea diver’s descent into the depths. Mid-20th century and Victorian images of the sea, medical transparencies, and intricate tattoos describe an abstract, fairy tale vision of his journey into unfamiliar territory, the debilitating injuries he sustains, and his eventual recovery. Penelope Uribe-Abee will show two recent videos: Distant Lover, part of an ongoing visual research project situated around feelings of distance, resilience, community, music, and incarceration; and Mi Querida, which “explores the history that belongs to me, but doesn’t really. I am interested in telling the story of my grandfather, whom I never met, in ways that I have come to know him. Being part of a diaspora population is special, in the way that gaps in history and lineage are filled in with people like Cary Grant, and the tapatio man.”
Doors: 7:30PM
$5 Suggested Donation
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