
New Works Salon XLVI

Saturday, September 15 at 8 PM

Doors 7:30; $5 suggested donation.

New Works Salons series is a casual forum for the presentation and discussion of new works in film, video, sound, and performance, with local and visiting artists often in-person to introduce their work. This, the forty-sixth program in the series, will feature work by Dicky Bahto, Olivia Ciummo, Karissa Hahn, Gina Napolitan, Sarah Nabil Mohamed Hafez Mohamed, Alexander Stewart, and Mona Varichon.

still from Gina Napolitan's Little Rose

still from Gina Napolitan’s Little Rose

Dicky Bahto will show two new music videos, one for Julia Holter’s song I Shall Love 2, and the other for Tashi Wada’s Mutable Signs.

Olivia Ciummo will show her work Missing In-Between the Physical  Proper, which Chloe Lizotte of NYFF described: “A prismatic collection of re-photographed images–of deserts and oceans, plants and animals–are disrupted and transformed by an array of color filters, soft synth accompaniment, and familiarly boorish messages lifted from the online world.”

Karissa Hahn will show her new 16mm film Future Light: “the year 2021 – experience the duration of 1 year in 24 frames for 24 hours of the day – 365 strips of film inkjet printed with the precise amount of light per day, including accurate twilight times.” Karissa will also treat us to a repeat screening of her work Please step out of the frame, which she premiered earlier this year on our series, but this time we’ll be seeing the work projected from the Super 8 camera original!

Sarah Nabil Mohamed Hafez Mohamed will be here in-person from Cairo to present a selection of her award-winning animations, including Friends to Death.

We’ll also have Gina Napolitan presenting her newest work Little Rose, with an in-progress cut. Using 16mm along with 35mm slides, Napolitan says: “An exploration of my family tree revealed a strange ancestor on my maternal grandmother’s side: Marie Rose Ferron, Catholic mystic and stigmatic, founder of a religious order in Rhode Island, disabled by childhood polio and bedridden until her death at age 33. Even stranger: the discovery of a low-budget video documentary advocating for her beatification and eventual sainthood. This piece collages together images and audio from the documentary with my own re-enactments and a miniature reconstruction of her room.”

Alexander Stewart will show his new 16mm film Void Vision, a riff on Philip K. Dick’s VALIS, combining the aesthetic of early CG experiments with a sci-fi paranoia about reality.

And Mona Varichon will show her video No, I Was Thinking of Life, which you can read a review of by Sabrina Tarasoff here:

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