

Saturday, July 7 at 8 PM

Doors 7:30; $5 admission.

The New Works Salons series is a casual forum for the presentation and discussion of new works in film, video, sound, and performance, with local and visiting artists often in-person to introduce their work. This, the forty-fifth program in the series, will featuring new works by Kioto Aoki, Ursula Brookbank & Christine Alicino, Kate Brown, Caitlin Díaz, and other artists TBA. Kioto Aoki will show her new 16mm film Dual Enframe, the first in a series of collaborative dance/movement vignettes with Mitsu Salmon, this film plays with different iterations of ‘the framing device’, using the camera, the body, the mirror, and the window space. Christine Alicino and Ursula Brookbank screened their first IS (InStereo) empathic-synchronistic, image exchange project at EPFC in 2011. This, the fourth IS project, began in the fall of 2016 with Christine and Ursula working together during numerous seasonal residencies in Kingston, New York. Inspired by the brick factories along the Hudson River IS created an immersive installation/performance with characters, costumes, fragments and flickers, generating the action documentation from which this projection, IS.No.4, was made. Kate Brown will show a new 16mm work Terrace Plaza, a portrait of a building designed in 1948 by Natalie de Blois of SOM. Empty now for 10 years, and currently the object of a developers’ horse race, the building retains some original details of its forward-looking design—a sky lobby, a cantilevered rooftop restaurant, and in-room air conditioning. Caitlin Díaz will show her new work Quien bien ama nunca olvida (Those who love well, never forget), a “filmic diary meets love letter to the Rio Grande Valley, Texas. Geography, societal norms, ancestral roots and history are analyzed through internal speech. What truth do we hide from others, or, maybe most importantly, deny ourselves?” Plus more TBA! FILMMAKERS IN ATTENDANCE.

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