LA AIR is an artist-in-residence program that invites Los Angeles filmmakers to utilize EPFC resources in creating a new work over an eight-week period. Tonight, February/March resident Anna Luisa Petrisko aka Jeepneys presents new works MABUHAY KA + OLINGLINGO. MABUHAY KA: A series of short experimental documentaries shot in Historic Filipinotown where filipino/a/@ performers are asked to meditate on their relationship to the neighborhood and to monuments in the Diaspora, activating space through ritual, song, dance, seed-planting, offerings, prayers, and more. Mabuhay, a typical Tagalog greeting that means welcome, “viva,” and cheers; and KA, meaning connection, and communion as in KApwa, KApatid, KAlibutan. This phrase, harvested from Diyan Valencia’s performance, hangs over the intersection of Temple and Belmont in the heart of Historic Filipinotown, as she weaves the letters in ancient Baybayin script into a fence.
The shorts will be followed by the LA premiere of OLINGLINGO: THE MOVIE, Jeepneys’ video opera meets experimental performance documentary. “OLINGLINGO” is a ceremony to invoke ancestral memory from the future to the past, from earth to outer-space. Using footage from live performance, staged footage, and 80’s-style analog videographics, the opera explores embodied culture transfers, ecstatic celebrations, pensive prayers, and healing release. “OLINGLINGO” is a reference to the pre-colonial Filipino amulet linglingo, a sacred fertility symbol used in rituals, births, and ceremonies to bring abundance and prosperity. FREE EVENT! There may be special guests and secret surprises!
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