Film Friends: Series Continues April 14 with Caryn Cline
Wednesday, April 14 at 10 am LA/Seattle time
Film Friends is a monthly series that brings established and emerging filmmakers together online for informal discussions on everything analog cinema. Series 1 features eco image-makers from around the world! Zoom in on April 14 — 10 AM LA/Seattle time — as we continue the series in conversation with Caryn Cline, who will talk her botanicollage process and other direct animation techniques. Free event! All welcome!
Check out a specially curated group of Caryn’s Films here… Password: EPFC2021
Drawn to the kinaesethic and haptic qualities of filmmaking materials and processes, Caryn locates the heart of her work in creating experimental, handmade, hand-crafted films, utilizing botanicollage and other direct animation techniques, employing a variety of analogic interventions with found footage, shooting with a hand-cranked camera, and often combining the results in an optical printer.
Bookings are closed for this event.