
EPFC Fall Youth Class 15: Kno Ur Self(ie) Screening

Sunday, December 6: 2 – 4 PM

During this 12 week free youth class, EPFC students have explored topics about the self and what it means to express, and identify one’s self in the digital age. Every Friday LA youth between the ages of 12 and 19 would actively view and discuss the media of self-portraiture from paintings to Instagram. This screening will be the culmination of the students creative progression throughout the semester with their individual films. Join the students and their instructors Penelop Uribe-Abee, Miko Revereza and Gemma Jimenez for this special screening and reception at Universal Studios.

You MUST RSVP with all names of guests if you are planning on going to this event.

RSVP your name and guests to

See you there!

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