

Tuesday April 23 – Thursday, April 25

EPFC at Human Resources
410 Cottage Home St., Los Angeles

Viewing hours: 2-7 pm
Closing potluck party: Thursday, April 25, 7-10 pm, performances at 8:30

Please join the Echo Park Film Center as we take over Human Resources for three days and nights, with media installations, performances, and programs of films and videos made by the EPFC Co-op and artists who have participated in our LA AIR artist-in-residency program.

We’ll have multi-channel video installations, slide projections, sculpture/video hybrids, sound work, and paintings by artists Nesanet Abegaze, Dicky Bahto, Marco Braunschweiler, Madison Brookshire, Tuni Chatterji, Brenda Contreras, Paolo Davanzo, Kate Lain, Alima Lee, Lisa Marr, Beaux Mingus, Alee Peoples, and Mike Stoltz.

Throughout the space there will be looping programs of films and videos by artists Kate Brown, Emett Casey, Caitlin Díaz, Kate Dollenmayer, Karissa Hahn & Andrew Kim, Gemma Jimenez, Gelare Khoshgozaran, Sandra de la Loza, Nerve Macaspac, Gina Napolitan, Will O’Loughlen, Alee Peoples, Anna Luisa Petrisko, Chloe Reyes, Adee Roberson, Troyese Robinson, Jennifer Saparzadeh, Cosmo Segurson, Carly Short, Sharmaine Starks, Nicole Ucedo, and Penelope Uribe-Abee.

Finally, we will have a potluck closing party the night of Thursday, April 25 from 7-10 pm, with performances at 8:30 by Jennifer Saparzadeh, Eve LaFountain and Jonathan Almaraz, and other surprises.

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