
Doors Closed, Hearts Open

Dear Friends and Community Members of EPFC,

Since this lockdown began, EPFC’s Co-op and Board have been meeting to discuss the best way forward during this unprecedented time. We have come to the decision that, given the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the best thing we can do to serve our community is to keep our doors closed to the public for the rest of 2020. We want to do our part to keep all of you safe, so that means no public events in our space, but also no equipment or library rentals. That, however, doesn’t mean we’re going dormant!

We’re turning the space over for use as a studio to our artists-in-residence and to artists from which we’ve commissioned films. With safety protocols in place and their own dedicated time to use the space all to themselves, we’re excited to support our community in whatever way we can during these trying times. We look forward to sharing updates on these projects as they work throughout the rest of the year.  Follow us on IG for updates and clips from this work. We also hope you continue to be involved in EPFC through our online programs. We are currently facilitating an online youth filmmaking workshop, have had virtual screenings, and jointly made a film, The Sound We See: Covid Quarantine! We look forward to finding more innovative ways to be a source of art, inspiration and community during this time. And we thank you for your support! Look at art! Make art! And take care.

The EPFC Famiglia

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