
DEMYTHIFYING LOS ANGELES: A Screenwriting Workshop with Robert Diaz LeRoy

Online: May 22 and May 29, 1 – 4 pm

FREE EVENT! Priority will be given to Latinx-identifying individuals based in/from Los Angeles.

In conjunction with DEMYTHIFYING LOS ANGELES, the 2021 Filmmobile Screening Series curated by Nicole Ucedo and featuring Latinx directors making work in and about Los Angeles, EPFC is delighted to offer a very special 2-session online screenwriting workshop with filmmaker Robert Diaz LeRoy.

This workshop is also completely free! If interested sign up and write us a few lines in the comments section about why you want to participate in the workshop. Ten spots are available and we are asking that if you sign up to please attend both sessions on May 22 and May 29 from 1 – 4 pm. Priority will be given to Latinx-identifying individuals based in/from Los Angeles, but all are welcome to apply!

Special support for this program is provided by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

About the filmmaker:

Robert Diaz LeRoy has always infused his Latinx and Native American (Tohono O’ Odham) culture into the body and soul of his work. He began on stage as a dancer, singer and evolved into a performance artist. Next, Robert attended Cal Arts film school to move his art of storytelling to a higher level. After Cal Arts Diaz LeRoy’s script I’ll Be Home For Christmas won the Hispanic Film Project/Universal Studios award. Later, when he went to teach at a middle school in an impoverished area for six months, he discovered horrific situations many youths endured. To his shock, some were homeless but still attending school. These real stories gave him the inspiration for his next film River Bottom. Since then Diaz LeRoy has made many short films, features, and episodic length projects including Hub City Heroes, Elvis is Alive I Swear I saw Him Eating a Ding Dong, and Countdown 2 ZeroHe also works directing commercials, music videos, and TV shows and is currently in post-production for his experimental Latinx horror TV series Dark Gospels.

Related Programming: Robert Diaz LeRoy’s River Bottom (1993)
This online screening is completely free and open to the public! Check back to our homepage for the screener link available May 16 – May 22. We will also be hosting a live Q&A with the director Robert Diaz LeRoy and UCLA film professor and curator Chon Noriega on May 22 at 12 pm (PST).  A link to the Q&A will be made available the day before the event.
For questions or comments please email Nicole Ucedo at 

This event is fully booked.

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