Demythifying Los Angeles: Valley Shorts Screening at Cottonwood Urban Farm
Demythifying Los Angeles: Valley Shorts Screening
Sunday June 12th 7pm – 9 ish pm~
@ Cottonwood Urban Farm – 8380 Ventura Canyon Ave, Panorama City, CA 91402
Demythifying Los Angeles continues with an outdoor film screening of Valley based shorts on June 12th! Please join us at Cottonwood Urban Farm in Panorama City at 7pm for an evening of food, friends and films. The event is potluck style so bring some snacks and a picnic blanket! We will be showing films on the Vacacicleta (AKA the filmcicle) as well as a presentation of short films on the big screen starting at 8pm. La Vacacicleta will also be selling zines, teas, and art before the screening!
Films by Gemma Jimenez-Gonzalez, Simri Hernandez & Stephanie Escalante Leiva, Johnny Alvarez, Monica Juarez and more! Free and open to all!
This event is co-presented by El Cine & LA VACAcicleta.
Special support provided by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
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