Cine-Club Perla-Mode presents: Gambling, Gods and LSD
Sunday, January 17 AT 6PM $5 Suggested Donation
Cine-Club Perla-Mode presents
Gambling, Gods and LSD
Peter Mettler
Canada/Switzerland, 2002
180 min
A filmmaker’s inquiry into transcendence becomes a three-hour trip across countries and cultures, interconnecting people, places and times. From Toronto, the scene of his childhood, Peter Mettler sets out on a journey that includes evangelism at the airport strip, demolition in Las Vegas, tracings in the Nevada desert, chemistry and street life in Switzerland, and the coexistence of technology and divinity in contemporary India. Everywhere along the way, the same themes are to be found: thrill-seeking, luck, destiny, belief, expanding perception, the craving for security in an uncertain world. Fact joins with fantasy; the search for meaning and the search for ecstasy begin to merge.
Cine-Club Perla-Mode was established in 2012 in Zurich by a group of artists and filmmakers who like to watch movies together. Ever since then they have been screening films in various locations, invited directors for a talk after the screening or cooked dinner for the audience.