
An Evening of Shorts That Are Long

Monday, October 10 at 8 PM

As a community cinema, we try to welcome everyone into EPFC’s hallowed halls however sometimes things just don’t seem to fit easily. So we took a group of films that were too long for open screen and too short for a full night and brought them together. Kinda like the orphans of cinema finding a home! Included in the festivities will be Allie Logout’s “Lucid Moon, Sunset Blush”, Lark Buckingham’s “Tattle-Tale Heart”and Gentry McShane’s “Riot Ghoul.”

Doors 7:30 pm. $5 admission.

Lucid Noon, Sunset Blush; Alli Logout; 2015; 32 min
“Lucid Noon, Sunset Blush” takes you on a hyper-real QPOC fantasy like you’ve never seen in the South before. The audience gets a unapologetic glimpse into everyone’s daily lives—from house booty, dyke drama, early clients, bike heists, nail fetishes and mango flavored pussies.

Tattle-Tale Heart; Lark Buckingham; 2016; 17 min                
A queer speculative fiction about authenticity, privacy & connection in social media—all seen through the lens of the human heart. A dystopian portrait of blurring boundaries between body and machine, it’s based on an app that reads heart rate through your web cam, calculates your *true* mood, and posts it directly to your feed.

Riot Ghoul; Gentry McShane; 2012; 16 min
A perfectly ghastly queercore romance for the new generation of riot ghouls everywhere.

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