
Amator 02: Art + Cinema + LA

Thursday, July 28 at 8pm

“Amator” describes a person who creates out of an innate love for personal expression. As the ability to capture motion images becomes routine, our understanding of the everyday is inescapably filtered between consumer and commercially produced content. Amator 02: Art + Cinema + LA provides an alternative to these pervasive representations of culture and society. Neither viral nor corporate, the program presents works that display a vivid intimacy with conceptual and visual expression.

On Thursday, July 28th at 8pmAmator 02: Art + Cinema + LA will screen at the Echo Park Film Center in Los Angeles, CA. Attendees will have the opportunity to view the projected works of Melanie Clemmons, Taylor Dunne, Paul Echeverria, Caleb Foss, Nick Hay, Clarissa Rose Peppers, Alia Pialtos, Zak Loyd, Chloé Miller, and Eric Stewart.

Doors open 7:30pm

Admission $5 suggested donation

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