EPFC Co-op Awarded with Mike Kelley Foundation’s Artist Project Grant!
EPFC | April 6th, 2016
We are delighted and honored that Echo Park Film Center is among the nine inaugural grantees of the Mike Kelley Foundation’s Artist Project Grants program! We’re looking forward to making these films!!
A Day In The Sun with multiple artists
“In recognition of their countless hours as the Center’s educators, programmers, projectionists and facilitators, Echo Park Film Center Co-op members—Rick Bahto, Emett Casey, Brenda Contreras, Paolo Davanzo, Andrew Kim, Eve-Lauryn Little Shell LaFountain, Kate Lain, Lisa Marr, Shauna McGarry, Beaux Gest Mingus, Gina Napolitan, Will O’Loughlen, Ellie Parker, Miko Revereza, Chloe Reyes, Cosmo Segurson, Sharmaine Starks, Mike Stoltz, Ariel Teal, and Penelope Uribe-Abee—will be commissioned to make new experimental lens-based works exploring their relationships to Los Angeles. Coming from all walks of life, Co-op members include both experienced and self-taught filmmakers, queer identifying filmmakers, artists of color, art school graduates, and EPFC youth film program alumni. Their films, single and multichannel projections, site-specific installations, itinerant performances, and multimedia and expanded cinema experiments will be presented throughout 2017 at the Center, around the city via the EPFC Filmmobile and EPFC Filmcycle, and online.”